Homemade Chocolate

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Friday 19 April 2013

Egg Pizza

My daughter was after me to make a pizza and i didn't have any vegetables that can be used on the pizza as topping. Then i thought why cant i innovate something. Had some eggs and thought to make a pizza with an Indian touch.

I used an instant homemade pizza base, as i had no time to prepare a traditional one using yeast. For a healthier version of pizza base, check this link - Healthy pan pizza base.

 I made this pizza on stove top. You can even try it in the oven. Both the method is mentioned below. Choose your's.... 



1 Pizza base
Pizza Sauce  as required
Mozzarella Cheese as required
Oregano as required
Red chilli flakes as required

For topping

1 tsp Jeera
1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 Onion (medium, finely chopped)
1 Tomato (medium, chopped)
2 Eggs (whisked)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Black pepper powder
1 tsp Coriander powder

  • First, prepare the topping. Heat oil in a pan, Add mustard seeds and jeera.
  • When it splutters, add onion. Saute till onion changes its colour. 
  • Now add tomato. Saute for sometime.
  • Add black pepper powder and coriander powder. Mix well.
  • Let it simmer for 1 minute. Now add the whisked eggs and adjust the salt.
  • Mix well and when the eggs are cooked, take off from heat and let it cool.

Pan Method

  • Roll the dough to the size of the pan and transfer it to a non stick pan.
  • Poke the pizza base which is spread on the pan with a fork here and there. 
  • Spread some homemade pizza sauce on the pizza base. Over that spread little shredded mozzarella cheese. 
  • On top of that, spread the egg mixture that we have kept aside to cool. Again spread the shredded cheese on top of it. 
  • Heat the pan for 2 minutes. Now, cover and keep the pan on top of a heated tawa on medium heat till the pizza base is cooked and the cheese is melted. 
  • Remove the pizza once it is done and sprinkle the chilli flakes and oregano powder. Serve hot.

Oven Method:

  • Roll the dough in the required size and place it on a greased baking tray.
  • Preheat the oven in convection mode at 180 degree Celsius.
  • Poke the pizza base which is spread on the tray with a fork here and there. 
  • Spread some homemade pizza sauce on the pizza base. Over that spread little shredded mozzarella cheese. 
  • On top of that, spread the egg mixture that we have kept aside to cool. Again spread the shredded cheese on top of it.
  • Place it on the preheated oven for about 5 minutes or till the pizza base is cooked and the cheese is melted.
  • Remove the pizza once it is done and sprinkle the chilli flakes and oregano powder. Serve hot.

* Adjust the spices as per your taste*

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Linking this to the event "Pizza Zone" by cookingwithsj

pizza zone


Instant Homemade Pizza Base

This is a simple and easy to make pizza base, when you don't have enough time to make a yeast based pizza dough (traditional one).


1 1/2 cup Maida/All purpose flour
3 tsp Baking powder
1 cup Yogurt
Salt to taste


  • Mix all the ingredients together and knead into a smooth and soft dough. 
  • If needed add extra maida, little by little and knead well for about 8 - 10 minutes.
  • The pizza base is ready... Isn't it easy?
  • Add toppings of your choice, bake it and serve hot.

  1. You can use self raising flour instead of maida or all purpose flour.
  2. If you are using self raising flour, omit baking powder from the ingredients mentioned above.

Look at the Pizza Base, Doesn't it look soft and spongy?

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Homemade Pizza sauce

This is a simple recipe to make your own pizza sauce with the ingredients easily available at home. Try it out and you will not buy it from the stores the next time...


Olive oil - 2 tbsp
Onion (chopped) - 1 medium
Tomato (chopped) - 1 and 1/2 cup
Tomato puree - 1/2 cup
Garlic (chopped) - 8 cloves
Black pepper (crushed) - 1/2 tsp
Oregano powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste

  • Heat olive oil in a pan and add onion, garlic and chopped tomato. Saute it for sometime.
  • Add tomato puree, salt and crushed pepper and stir for sometime.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes, when the sauce thickens to the consistency required add oregano powder. Stir and take off from heat.

*forgot to take a snap. Will upload the picture later*

* I usually take the quantity of the ingredients as per my taste. So you can always adjust the spices as per yours*

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Happy Cooking!!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Chocolate Cake in 3 minutes (Eggless)

A simple and easy eggless chocolate cake made within minutes to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

I have already posted the recipe for chocolate cake in 3 minutes. But it is with eggs. How can i forget my vegetarian friends. Here's your eggless chocolate cake. Enjoy!!!

Recipe source: sharmispassions


3 tbsp Maida/All purpose flour
1 1/2 tbsp Cocoa powder
3 tbsp Sugar (powdered)
1/8 tsp Baking soda
a pinch Salt
3 tbsp Oil (I used olive oil)
3 tbsp Milk
1/4 tsp Vanilla essence
1 tsp Choco chips or small pieces of any chocolate (optional)
2 tsp Nuts (optional, any nuts of your choice)


  • Take a microwave safe bowl or mug. Put maida, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda and salt.
  • Mix well till all the ingredients are incorporated.
  • Now add oil, milk and vanilla essence.
  • Mix well until it becomes a smooth batter.
  • Now add chocolate chips and nuts.
  • Mix well and keep this in a microwave oven - micro mode - power High for about 2 - 3 minutes.
  • Do the toothpick test to check whether the cake is cooked or not.
  • If the cake is baked in a mug, enjoy it straight from the mug or else, do upside down and serve it with a scoop of ice cream or enjoy it just like that. 

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Happy Cooking!!

Monday 15 April 2013

Vanilla Cheesecake

This is my first time that i am baking a cheesecake. Cheese is actually not a favourite in our family. So i have not attempted it. I always liked to see a picture of the cheesecake with a biscuit layer in the bottom, creamy cheese in the middle and a mind blowing topping. But as nobody likes cheese, i never thought of baking this cake.

Recently i joined the baking partners group and the challenge for this month was "Baked Cheesecake". 

I thought i will give it a try. But the recipes had either some ingredients which i could not find here or not suitable for me. The main ingredient - Cheese, i searched a lot in stores, couldn't find and when i found one, it was costing huge. That's how i thought of making cream cheese on my own. You can find the recipe for Homemade Cream Cheese here.

At last i choose Basic Cheesecake and did some changes to the original recipe and came up with this awesome vanilla cheesecake. I took half of the quantity mentioned below to bake a small cheesecake. Also, i couldn't find good mangoes for my topping, so had to satisfy myself with a jam topping. But i must tell you, it tasted awesome. Even my family members (who doesn't like cheese) liked this cake so much and they told it is simply great.

Thanks to the Baking Partners for giving me this challenge. It was really a challenge for me to bake a Cheesecake and i did it great. I am happy to join this group of home bakers.


2 cup Cream Cheese
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla essence
1/2 cup Sugar
1 cup Digestive Biscuit (any biscuit of your choice)
1/4 cup Butter (melted)
1 tbsp Sugar

For topping:

3 tbsp Jam (any jam of your choice, I used mixed fruit jam)
Hot Water as required


  • Crush the biscuit in a food processor or mixer. Transfer it into a bowl.
  • Add sugar and butter into it. Mix well using your hands to form fine crumbs.
  • Grease a baking tin or a spring form baking tin. 
  • Put the biscuit mix into it and spread it evenly in the bottom. Press it gently using the back of a spoon to form a nice even layer at the bottom of the pan.
  • Pre-heat the oven at 170 degree Celsius in convection mode.
  • Place the baking tin with biscuit layer in the oven for about 10 minutes.
  • In the mean time, blend the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla essence and eggs (one at a time) using a electric hand beater.
  • Pour the cream cheese batter into the baking tin, over the baked biscuit layer.
  • Spread the batter evenly and place it in a bigger baking pan with hot water.
  • The water level should be just 1 - 1/4 inch below the cake tin with the cheese cake batter.
  • Keep this in the pre-heated oven at 170 degree Celsius for 60 minutes. Toothpick test cannot be done in this case. Just shake the tin a bit and if the centre is slightly wobbly, it means the cheesecake is done.
  • Take off from oven and set aside to cool down completely.
  • Keep it in the fridge for about 1 hour to chill.
  • Later, take off from the baking tin.
  • Mix jam with little hot water. Stir nicely and spread it on the cheesecake.
  • Cut and serve it chilled.
  • Enjoy!!!


  1. Don't beat the cheese cake batter like you do for a normal cake, as the cheesecake won't set properly and the top portion of the cheesecake will crack.

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Happy Cooking!!

Friday 12 April 2013

Chickoo Milkshake

Chickoo is commonly known as sapodilla. It is a vital source of vitamins, minerals and health benefiting anti-oxidant. Consumption of this fruit replenishes energy and revitalises the body instantly.

This is a perfect healthy cooling drink for summer. You can omit vanilla ice cream to make it more healthier.

When I decided to make this milkshake, I didn't have ice cream, so made this drink without it. Still the milkshake tasted awesome. You can adjust the milk and ice cubes as per your taste. While serving, to make the drink more attractive for my kids, I spread little nutella in the glass before pouring the milkshake in it. (You can see it in the picture. Could have made it more attractive :))


4 Chickoo (peeled, roughly chopped)
1 tsp Sugar
10 - 15 Ice cubes
1/2 - 3/4 cup Milk (cold)
2 scoops Vanilla Ice cream (optional)


  • Keep aside some of the chickoo pieces for garnish.
  • In a blender, put chickoo, milk, ice cubes, sugar and vanilla ice cream.
  • Blend it well, till it becomes smooth and creamy.
  • Pour it into individual tall glasses and garnish with the chickoo pieces.
  • Serve it chilled. 

* I usually take the quantity of the ingredients as per my taste.*

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Happy Cooking!!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Homemade Cream Cheese

This is a simple and easy recipe for cream cheese. Recently, when i was in need of some cream cheese, it was very difficult to get one in any stores. And when i found one, it was costing really high for a small packet. 

That's how i started searching in Internet - how to make a homemade cream cheese. Found out many recipes, but couldn't find a simple and easy one. By combining 2 or more recipes and omitting the difficult ingredients and adding simple easy available ingredients, i came up with this recipe. It tasted really great.

As i said it is very easy to make and you can use it as a spread on toasts, add different flavours to it or even make a homely cheesecake...Isn't it great?

With the ingredients mentioned below, i could make 1 cup of cream cheese. So if you want to make more, double the ingredients. Except muslin cloth ;)


1 litre Milk
2 tbsp Vinegar or Lime juice or 1 1/2 tsp Citric acid
3 tbsp Fresh Cream
Muslin cloth


  • Boil milk by adding vinegar.
  • Keep stirring continuously till you can see the whey separated from the milk ie. you can see water and milk solids separately. 
  • Switch off the heat and let it cool for sometime.
  • When it is still warm, pass it through a muslin cloth and hang it on a kitchen counter. Don't squeeze the water. 
  • Let it hang there for about 15 - 20 minutes.
  • This is actually what we call as Paneer.
  • Put this in a mixer and blend well into a soft and smooth paste.
  • Add the fresh cream and again blend it.
  • The cream cheese is ready.

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Monday 8 April 2013

Honeycomb Cake

For a long time, I was thinking to make this wonderful cake...when I saw the picture of this cake in Ria's blog, I was amazed how this honeycomb texture was given to the cake. Even u will be thinking how it is made, right!!

It's really easy, friends...it's just a simple bubble wrap that is making the magic.... I didn't have a good bubble wrap, so I was waiting to get a good one to try this out... Recently I got one and here I go.... Without any delay.... ;)

I created this magic on my Yellow Cake...You can bake any cake of your choice, but i would prefer not to give a chocolate cake base for this Honeycomb Cake...But its again up to you...be creative....

Things you need....

  • Yellow Cake (Any cake of your choice)
  • Chocolate Butter cream
  • Dark Chocolate or Semi-sweet Chocolate
  • A good Bubble wrap

Chocolate Butter cream

Recipe Source: Ria's Collection


1 cup Unsalted butter (at room temperature)
1 tbsp Milk 
3/4 cup Semi-sweet Chocolate (melted and cooled to room temp.)
1 tsp Vanilla essence
1 1/4 cup Icing sugar


  • Take butter in a bowl and beat it till creamy using an electric beater.
  • Add in milk and beat again for a minute.
  • Now add the vanilla essence and melted - cooled semi-sweet chocolate and beat till everything is combined properly.
  • Now add icing sugar little by little and beat till you get the desired consistency.
  • If you see that the mixture is very thick add little milk and adjust the consistency.

Bubble Wrap Magic


3/4 cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate or Dark Chocolate ( I used dark chocolate)

  • Cut the bubble wrap in the shape of your cake (ie. round or square)
  • Melt the chocolate and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Pour it on the bubble wrap and keep it aside till it is half set.

See the bubble wrap magic....

Assembling the Honeycomb Cake:

  • Cut the cake into 2 layers horizontally.
  • Spread the chocolate butter cream between the layers, sides and on top. The cake should be completely covered with the chocolate butter cream.
  • Keep the cake in the fridge. When it is half set, take it out from the fridge and invert the half set bubble wrap (with chocolate) on top of the cake.
  • Leave the cake with the bubble wrap on, in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
  • Take off from fridge and peel off the bubble wrap carefully.
  • I brushed little (melted and cooled) semi-sweet chocolate on the top to get a slight colour change effect.

Enjoy the magic on your cake...

My camera was in love with the cake that it was not ready to take its eyes from it ;)

A closer look.........
Look at the texture of the Yellow Cake....

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Happy Cooking!!

Yellow Cake

This cake is made with lots of egg yolks, so as the name suggests, it is has a yellow colour due to the egg yolks in it.  It seems we can bake this cake with just the egg yolks, but was replaced with some whole egg along with egg yolks, just to balance...

The texture of the cake was simply awesome. When i saw the amount of eggs put into the cake, i felt that the cake would taste eggy...but it didn't. It tasted excellent. I would say, that this is an excellent cake for frosting or icing. It can be made as a perfect birthday or wedding anniversary cake.

I used this cake as the base for my Honeycomb Cake which i baked for some of my guests. Check out for more pictures of the honeycomb cake here.

Recipe source: Veena's Art of Cakes


190 gms (2 cups) Cake flour
225 gms (1 cup) Sugar
170 gms (3/4 cup) Butter (at room temperature)
2 Egg yolks (at room temperature)
3 Whole Eggs (at room temperature)
2 tsp Baking powder
1 pinch Salt
250 ml (1 cup) Buttermilk
2 tsp Vanilla essence


  • Sift cake flour, baking powder and salt. Keep this aside.
  • In a bowl, beat butter and sugar using an electric beater, till light and creamy and till the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Now add vanilla essence, egg yolks and eggs one at a time and beat till everything is completely incorporated.
  • Preheat the oven in convection mode at 170 degree Celsius.
  • Grease a cake tin with butter and line a butter paper in it.
  • Add cake flour mix and buttermilk alternatively into the wet ingredient. Mix well using a wooden spoon.
  • Pour the prepared cake batter into the greased tin. 
  • Place the cake tin in the pre-heated oven for 25 - 30 minutes or until the cake is done. Check in between with a tooth pick, whether cooked or not.
  • Once it is cooked, give a standing time of 5 minutes.
  • Later, take off from the cake tin and let it cool on a wire rack.
  • Once cooled, cut into pieces and serve.


  1. Use fine sugar, as it will be easy for mixing with the butter and it gives a creamy finish.
  2. Make sure that all the ingredients used in this recipe is at room temperature.
  3. Cake flour might be available in stores. Or else as a substitute for 1 cup of cake flour, you can take 1 cup of All purpose flour and remove 2 tbsp of flour from it.

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Happy Cooking!!

Saturday 6 April 2013

Milk Buns / Rolls (Panini al latte)

This is an Italian milk bun or rather called as milk rolls. It is very easy to bake and tastes exactly like the store bought ones. 

Initially, i thought to make cream buns, as my kids are a great fan of them. But when the buns came out of the oven, kids changed their mind and finished off with some nutella and peanut butter. They were fascinated by the shape of the buns and enjoyed every bite of it.


1 1/4 cup (320 ml) Milk
5 tbsp (60 gm) Sugar
7 gms Yeast
1/2 tbsp Salt
3 1/2 tbsp (50 gms) Butter in room temperature
5 cups (500gms) All Purpose flour/Maida
Milk for brushing
1 Egg (optional)


  • Take the yeast in a small bowl. Add 2 tsp sugar into it. Now add 1/3 cup warm milk into it. Mix well and keep this aside to ferment.
  • Add sugar and salt into the rest of the milk. Mix well till the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Take the all purpose flour in a big bowl. Add the yeast mixture and the milk mixture into it.
  • Melt the butter and add it to the big bowl.
  • Mix well using your hands and transfer it on to the work top (Kitchen top) and kneed it for about 10 - 15 minutes.
  • If the dough gets sticky, add maida little by little till the dough becomes soft and smooth.
  • Transfer the dough into a bowl (preferably glass bowl) and cover it with a plastic wrap. Leave it aside for about 2 hours or until it doubles its size.
  • Later transfer the risen dough onto the work top and kneed for about a minute.
  • Cut it into pieces and roll it into balls or into different shapes of your choice.
  • Place them on a baking tray with butter paper. 
  • Brush them with milk (room temperature).
  • Leave them aside covered with a towel for about 1/2 an hour or until it doubles its size.
  • Later brush them again with the whisked egg (optional).
  • Place it in a microwave oven - convection mode - 220 degree Celsius for 18 minutes. 
  • When the buns are cooked and the top turns golden brown colour, take off from the oven and leave it aside to cool.
  • After some time, transfer it on a wire rack and let it cool for sometime.
  • Serve them with a sweet or savoury filling or enjoy it just like that!!!

  1. If the dough is not raised properly, the baked buns will have a taste of yeast in it. So be sure that the dough is raised double its size.

Doesn't it looking inviting....

Very soft and spongy inside.....

Braid shaped Bun...

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Happy Cooking!!