
Saturday 3 August 2013

Tea Cake

When I was young, my mother used to buy me tea cakes (very simple cakes, but tasty ones). I used to enjoy them a lot. Later on, these cakes were no longer available in bakeries. :(

Always I tried to search for the same taste in whatever sponge cakes I used to bake. But couldn't get that exact taste. Recently in a TV show, I saw this recipe and thought to give it a try, hoping that this cake would taste the same as I had tasted long back. Luckily, I could enjoy the same taste as my good old tea cakes.

This recipe is very simple and can be mixed up in a single bowl. This recipe can never go wrong. I used turmeric powder instead of yellow colour, which the recipe actually demanded. There is no change in the taste of the cake if you add turmeric powder. Moreover it is healthy too.

A perfect way to steal your kids heart :)


1 cup Self Raising flour (check for the substitute here.)
100 gms Butter
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla essence
3 Eggs
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder


  • Beat butter and sugar using an electric beater till it becomes soft and creamy.
  • Add vanilla essence, turmeric powder and eggs. Beat again till everything is combined properly.
  • Pre-heat oven in convection mode at 180 degree Celsius.
  • Grease a cake tin with butter and line a butter paper in it.
  • Add self raising flour in the wet mixture and mix well.
  • Pour the cake batter in the prepared cake tin and spread evenly in the tray.
  • Place it in the pre heated oven for 50 - 55 minutes.
  • Check in between using the tooth pick whether it is done or not.
  • Once done, take off from oven and give a standing time of 10 minutes.
  • Later, take off from the cake tin.
  • Cut into pieces and serve.

Thanks for visiting
Happy Cooking!!

Sending this to Guru's Cooking Kids Special Give away

Guru's Cooking Giveaway Kids Special 2013


  1. So spongy it looks! Very nice attempt at baking, Nimmy :)

  2. Ahh.. Bookmarked.. I too love those tea cakes we used to get in bakeries.. Looks fluffy & moist :) Nicley done Nimmy :)

  3. Made the cake right away..i cant thank you enough for the simple was more than just perfect...everybody loved it..heading to make a second one :-) can this be made into a base cake for icing..will it stand?

    1. Thanks a lot. Happy to know that you liked it. This is one of my fav. cake too. You can make Cake Rusk out of these cakes. Check out my recipe for Cake Rusk.
      As of making it as a base cake for icing, iam not sure... as you know it is very soft and light. But if you can bake in small quantities in different cake tins (ie. no need to cut the cake into half) and place one cake in the bottom, spread icing on top. Another cake on top, again icing....then it can hold. But I don't think you can make a bigger layer of cake with this one.

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