
Saturday 22 June 2013

Nutella Mini Cup Cakes


Do you believe, these yummy mini cup cakes are made with just 3 ingredients....yes, you read it right........ just 3 ingredients and that too very simple and easily available ingredients that you can find in your home pantry. 

By the name of the recipe itself you might have understood that one of the ingredient is Nutella. I know Nutella is bit costly, but once in a while you can try this out...Your kids would love it, i am sure...

So friends....Here's the recipe for the easiest cupcakes with an amazing yummy taste.


1/2 cup Nutella
5 tbsp Maida/All Purpose Flour
1 Egg
Toppings of your choice (optional, nuts or sprinkles)


  • Take a bowl and whisk egg nicely. 
  • Add nutella and mix again till both of these ingredients are combined properly.
  • Now add maida and mix again.
  • Preheat the oven at 175 degree Celsius.
  • Line some mini cups in a baking tray and put little batter in each of them.
  • Only 3/4th of the mini cups should be filled, as it will rise a bit.
  • Sprinkle some nuts or sprinkles on top of them.
  • Keep the tray in the preheated oven at 175 degree Celsius for 10 minutes or till the cakes are cooked.
  • When you insert the toothpick in it, it might not come out clean, but you can make out that it is cooked.
  • At this stage, take the tray out of oven and keep aside to cool.
  • When it is cooled completely, serve them.
  • Enjoy these bite sized nutella cup cakes which has the flavour of hazelnuts. mmmm...yummy...

  1.  I would prefer you make these cup cakes in small paper cups as the center of the cake will be easily cooked.
  2. To check whether the cup cakes are cooked, insert the toothpick in the center. It will not come out clean, it will be slightly sticking to the toothpick. But you can make out that they are cooked. The center will be slightly sticky as we have added nutella in it.

        Thanks for visiting
        Happy Cooking!!

         Sending this to "Guru's Cooking Give away - Kids Special

        Guru's Cooking Giveaway Kids Special 2013


        1. Very moist & delicious cupcakes, I'm really craving for it now :)

        2. Yumm! I used to love Nutella but then I started developing some delayed allergic reaction after every time I would eat it.. nothing major though just a very annoying rash on my entire face. I am not allergic to chocolate or nuts, I think. I can eat it separately, very strange, I know. hah! I just don't eat Nutella anymore :( These look so delicious though!

          1. Sorry to hear that you have an allergy to Nutella. This cake was really soft and yummy...I will post many other recipes, without Nutella (of course) so that you can try it out. Thanks for your comment. Take care..

        3. Wow.. Just 3 ingredients?? looks very yum :)

        4. your cupcakes looks super moist and perfect in wonderful to know that it has only 3 ingredients

        5. i've made these always as mini bundts, and yes they are quick treats... :)

        6. I noticed that there's only three ingredients for this lovely cup cakes. I have to say that its a mesmerizing outcome. Keeping this recipe aside to be tried out and enjoy the taste.

        7. How many cup cakes do we get for this recipe?

        8. I got around 20 - 25 mini cup cakes out of this recipe. Couldn't remember the exact number as my kids were around me and finished them off very fast. :)

        9. Just 3 ingredients and an amazing cupcake ! looks wonderful !

        10. The delicious and Lovely chewy cookies. Great recipe. I ever ate this. Thanks for sharing the nice recipe.
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