
About Me


Iam Nimmy Raghu. A home maker and a mother of two sweet daughters.

I actually started to concentrate more on cooking once i left my job and was sitting idle at home.

I loved cooking from my childhood as i used to see my mother cooking different delicious food and trying out new new dishes. She is really a great cook and my idol in cooking. I learned many traditional recipes from my mom-in-law who showed me and helped me to learn and cook them. 

I started watching many cookery channels. Iam a great fan of Sanjeev Kapoor's recipes. He inspired me a lot. When i started trying new dishes, i started getting appreciations.

My husband encouraged me to write a blog which included all the recipes that i tried out. So i started writing this blog. All my recipes were scattered here and there in many books and i wanted to incorporate them in a single place so that i can access it from any place in the world. Moreover, i wanted to be a help to anyone who loves to cook and wants to try out new and different recipes.

This blog is a collection of healthy, yummy and tasty tried out recipes. I will be posting some traditional recipes (mostly kerala special) which i got from my mother, my mom-in-law and some which i have found. I have followed many chef's recipes too.

Please feel free to send in your comments, suggestions and feedback, so that i can improve and help you better.

You can contact me on my email ID :


Publish your recipe in my blog

You like cooking??
Have a cooking tip or distinct and innovative recipe which you would like to share with all??
You don't have a blog??

Dont worry....I will help you to publish your recipes in my blog with your name. Send in your recipe details, your name, place, picture of the dish(optional) etc. to my Email ID. You will be happy to see your recipes in my blog.... So don't hesitate friends, send in your recipes....

Email ID :

"Happy Cooking To All"


  1. Hi, Nice to know abt you.

    FOllowing you.

    1. Hi Raksha,
      Thanks for joining my blog. I checked your blog too..Its awesome. I dont know how i missed your blog. I have added your blog too. Will check your recipes.
      Thanks once again.

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  4. Good luck in all your culinary adventures!
